
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
TOM LANGMYER, Radio Master
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
TOM LANGMYER is widely recognized as one of the most successful and influential people in radio. Everybody who meets him loves the guy for his enthusiasm and passion for life and for his sincere interest in the people he meets everywhere. As CEO and President of Great Lakes Media, his mantra is, "Radio is fundamentally a local business." You might say he's taking radio back to the future. This conversation is a master class in the business of broadcasting and life.

Monday Dec 18, 2023
DR. BEN NEUMAN - Covid 24
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
BENJAMIN NEUMAN is one of the world's top virus research scientists and a leading authority on Coronaviruses. During the COVID pandemic, Dr. Neuman oversaw the Texas A&M University Global Health Research Complex which identified a variant of the virus whose full significance was unknown at the time. He knows as much about the history of COVID-19 and its continuing development as anyone on Earth.

Sunday Dec 17, 2023
TYLER COX, Radio Master
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
TYLER COX is a proven radio news and programming master but to the people who worked alongside him, he may be best remembered for his signature style of management: walking around with a cup of coffee and striking up conversations. Tyler is a people person. That's how he helped launch RUSH LIMBAUGH from Sacramento to national radio stardom and how he gave Dallas radio legends Hal Jay and Mark Davis the room and encouragement to grow beyond their dreams.

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
DAVE WILLIAMS and BOB NATHAN became Sacramento radio partners in July of 1981. They soon had the highest ratings in Sacramento history, a record that still stands. When they changed stations to KFBK in 1985 their enormous audience, which they called The Dave & Bob Mob, moved with them. Great morning radio teams everywhere are long remembered by their fans. In Northern California that's Dave & Bob.
Shout out to Rush Limbaugh fans: in this episode, we talk about our friendships with Rush, how we saved him from drowning and got hate mail for it, and an eerie dream that turned out to be a serious premonition.

Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
DEBORAH PARENTI was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame on November 2, 2023, three weeks before this conversation. It's easy to see why. She's as bright and energetic as they come. With a deep career in broadcast management, she is now the publisher of Streamline's Radio Ink. Here Parenti talks about why radio will never die, but she's also brutally honest about some of the industry's serious problems. She says radio needs to put its money where its mouth is and get back to what it does best.

Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
In 1973 I was Program Director of K-Earth in Los Angeles, formerly KHJ-FM. Automated at the time, it was the oldies music creation of the legendary Bill Drake. Shortly after I started working there Drake was fired as Programming VP for RKO. KRTH GM Hal Rosenberg and I hired GUY ZAPOLEON to create new music lists and recordings to replace the Drake/Chenault package. In my recent conversation with Guy we drifted into our Paul Drew stories. He was, as we say with deep respect, a piece of work.

Sunday Nov 26, 2023
GUY ZAPOLEON, Radio Master
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Guy Zapoleon is a modern music savant. For the past fifty years he has guided contemporary music radio stations and corporations in identifying the right songs to play at the right time to achieve their target audience goals. Along the way, he discovered a generalized pattern in which contemporary music trends rise from innovation to mass appeal and ultimately to a downturn he calls doldrums. Then, the cycle starts again. He's a music scientist and journalist; he's the ultimate source for radio music directors, artists, and producers everywhere.

Sunday Nov 19, 2023
WALTER SABO, Radio Master
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
If WALTER SABO (aka Walter Sterling on WABC) was a baker he wouldn't own a cookie cutter or a recipe book. Walter is an innovator. For all of his decades of creating and consulting media programming, he has never relied on a formula. When I asked him what's wrong with the radio business these days he had answers I didn't expect. He also emphasized what's right: "(Radio is) the most elegant distribution system in mass media. It's elegant, it's incredible."
Walter is full of surprises and brilliant insights. Have a listen. Then subscribe to this podcast. I hope Walter and I can talk again soon.
Dave Williams, November 4, 2023

I'm Dave Williams.
After many years of doing news/talk radio I'm ready to stretch out to long-form conversation. You know, enjoyable and informative chats uninterrupted by traffic, weather, and 25 minutes of commercials and promotional announcements per hour.
Podcasting is still young and developing. Some of the experts say radio people are no good at it because we sound plastic, too slick. I take that to mean I should sound less professional. Heck, I can do that.
These same experts say a podcast has to be very narrowly focused on a particular subject to gain a following.
Tell that to Joe Rogan.
I'm interested in lots of things, in people and subjects beyond number and description. Aren't you? Sure you are. Hope you like what I offer and will tell your friends.
Email me: davewilliams0806@gmail.com